N头条>英语词典>negative proof翻译和用法

negative proof

英 [ˈneɡətɪv pruːf]

美 [ˈneɡətɪv pruːf]




  • Prerequisite for positive or negative definite quadratic form and its proof
  • If the presumption of knowledge is restrained by institution of negative proof, it will be applied to the full, and its defects of nature will be restricted to the great extent as well.
  • Then, the paper also describes positive and negative role under such proof style in judicial practice.
  • Finally, to avoid a large number of foreign capital into the real estate market to effectively deal with the negative effects of the measures and a reasonable guide for the future and the use of real estate to provide proof and draw foreign investment.
  • In order to limit the negative effects of police trap to the maximum extent, it is necessary to regulate the proof qualifications of the evidence obtained by it.
  • With the aid of dissipation structure theory, the negative entropy mechanism of gas explosion proof is analyzed and the experimental data of inert gas concentration for inhibiting explosion is theoretically explained.
  • On the negative g factor ( 2)& proof of j-j Coupling
  • On Characteristics of Negative Facts from the Viewpoint of Lawsuit Proof
  • Especially in the authenticity of the facts unknown, the result of the civil magistrate system is based on the presumption of disjunction of the facts and negative facts of the true state of fiction, with the burden of proof to the magistrate system results.
  • The strength of negative reaction to the article is proof positive that this is a very important issue.